Friday, September 30, 2005

Get Sick

我儿子KEVIN,他昨天下课后去练习《柔道 JUDO》,过后就决的不舒服,晚上就发高烧《39。67度》 。做母亲的我,真的担心死了。整个晚上我都睡不好。今天早上我带他去医院给医生看。吃了药就没发烧了。 KEVIN手里拿着的是他的药。头上贴着的是退烧药。
在日本医疗费很贵,没有保险就很辛苦。还有,没有医生的证明书,在药店就买不到药。70%是保险返,留下30%要自己返。今天嘛!医院的医生是我的朋友所以免费。药费是740Yen日本钱《马币29块》。在日本,有很多非法劳工,他们没有保险一到生病时就走头无路。 据我所知有位马来西亚同胞因为发生意外住进医院。结果因为他返不起医疗费就向马来西亚大使馆求救。最后就被送回马来西亚。所以在外国,大使馆就像我的保证人一样。


Ricky Wong said...

RM29 for medicine sound ok leh....but thats not including consultant fee right? I believe United State all the same thing, if we go travel to US for business...and we don't have any travel insurance...the hospital will not accept us. That's the facts that living in the higher living cost country.

Take care.

Alice wee said...


Another thing, i want to put my photo in this blog, how to do it?

Ting ChingChing said...

Hi Alice,
I'm very happy that you would like to share photo with us. First you go to the following site.

Then fill up your username and password and login to your own blog. After login, you will see the "green plus" mark. Just click it. When you go to the Posting page, you will see a small picture's mark. Click it please.
After finish upload the pictures and the msg.. click the publish post button. that all.. i'm looking forward to see your photo.