Friday, June 27, 2008

Kevin's School Road

My son Kevin, he is 7 years old now. He has to take almost 1 hour (one way) to go to school everyday. I need to ride a train together with him every morning because of the rush hour. He able to go home alone because the train is not as crowd as morning.

I'm really pity Kevin because he has to face the "adult violence" on the train everyday. He always get hurt in his arm and leg in the rush hour.

On the way, we went to school this morning, his leg was injured again. He fall down because someone pushed him. Kevin couldn't stand back easily because there were too many passengers pass by him. When i reached him, his leg already bleeding.

Please take a look (below website) to know the rush hour in Tokyo Japan.


Missnah said...

Are u sure that is the Japan train traffic ??? can you put Kevin to the nearly school? In Kuching, everyday i personally pick my kids to and from school. Perhaps Kuching is better than everywhere...

Anonymous said...

When I watch at the you tube, i thaught it is in China. Parent will feel hurt when our children get hurt. Think another way, is this an opportunity for them to grow? This is the real world that they will face one day.